
Welcome to Kaya's Oil! 

Our mission is to bring women the most accurate, up-to-date information and educational content on everything CBD oil.

CBD, short for cannabinoid, has exploded on the scene recently because of it's potential benefits to help relieve a variety of physical ailments.

Often anecdotally called a 'miracle cure', CBD comes from the cannabis/hemp plant. Because of the classification of cannabis as being a Class 1 drug, similar to heroin, no one has looked at the other beneficial ingredients in the cannabis plant--that aren't psychoactive, or make someone feel high.

Which leads us to where we are today.

Many women have experienced benefits from CBD and it's time to put this potential remedy into the mainstream. Isn't it worth trying a natural, non-addicting approach to help with things like inflammation, pain, sleep quality, anxiety, depression, skin health, heart health--just to name a few?

After all, CBD is considered a dietary supplement, just like other supplements such as collagen, vitamin C or magnesium.

Before starting any new supplement, we will always recommend to consult with a healthcare provider to make sure it won't compete with other conditions or prescriptions. 

We hope you gain a lot of value from this site! If there's something you're looking for, or have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us and we'll get back to you.